The Merry Magical Mogwais Muffin Myrribon

''The scene is set. Walter is meeting with Lindner in the living room of the apartment. We then see inside Travis' room. It is bare, with only one poster on the wall: a victorian era advertisement for a special magic prophylactic. Travis can be seen hunched over his desk. We then see his hands, they are caressing a large, sharp, butcher knife. It was made by Kraft. On Travis' desk, we see a taxidermy of a small animal-- the rare Australian Potoroo. It's innards appear to have been removed, and the stomach area is cut open. Travis then abruptly gets up, walks to the door, and leaves.''
''We're back in the living room now: Walter is still meeting with Lindner, and Ruth is in the background masturbating. Mama is attempting to make Ramen Noodles in a coffee pot, with no success. Travis, with a deranged, toothy smile on his face that reveals all two of his missing teeth, walks up to Lindner. Suddenly, he grabs him by the neck, and plunges the butcher knife into Lindner's neck. Travis then gyrates the knife inside Lindner's neck. He then proceeds, taking great care, to reach in and pluck out Lindner's Adam's apple. He knaws on it with his teeth. Then, he tosses Lindner aside, moves for the door, and opens it. Before he leaves, he says, his eyes lighting up, ''"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"